Tooth extraction, also known as tooth scaling, is the surgical removal of teeth from the central alveoli in the tooth’s alveoli. An abscess results when an abnormal growth forms in the inner reaches of a tooth, causing inflammation and eventually the destruction of that tooth. A dentist will perform an initial examination to determine if a tooth extraction is indicated. If the infection is not severe, it can be safely extracted without causing any damage to the tooth or the nerves that run along the gum line. However, if the abscess is extensive or has spread to other teeth, tooth loss may result.
Another reason for extracting a tooth is to remove the diseased pulp from inside the mouth. In this case, the dentist will make an incision in the gum line and remove the pulp from the pulp chamber. Sometimes, tooth extraction is needed even when the infection has not spread beyond the gum.
A Centre dentaire Portland ( may choose to totally remove the tooth in these cases by fully exposing the root. Removing the pulp from the root will allow the dentist to carry out more invasive procedures, such as root canal treatment, which aims to prevent any further infection in the area and to ensure that all roots are removed.
There are several types of tooth extraction: open, and maxillofacial. In an open procedure, the dentist makes an incision and removes the tooth from its socket. Once the tooth has been removed, it is covered with a sterile instrument made from stainless steel, which has an unsharpened blade attached. The instrument is pushed into the jaw bone, which holds the tooth in place. The dentist places a syringe or connector between the instrument and the jaw to drain excess saliva before injecting local anaesthetic and removing the tooth. Afterwards, an anaesthetic will numb the gums.
The second type of tooth extraction is performed in a dental option. This procedure involves placing a titanium post on the exposed roots and crown, which prevent any future swelling or tooth decay. A small titanium screw then attaches the post to the crown. This process allows for the complete removal of the tooth, as well as the replacement of the root. Since dentists are aware that tooth loss often occurs later in life, when the disease has already spread, the replacement option means better hygiene for patients.
Dental experts recommend a tooth extraction only if other, more invasive procedures have failed. An infection may require treatment with antibiotics, or the infection could lead to gum infection or even pneumonia, which requires hospitalization. Other than these two extreme situations, however, there are rarely any serious complications associated with tooth extraction.